Bringing Soup to Wolverhampton

Bringing SOUP to Wolverhampton is an invitation to come along to find out more about SOUP (not just the tasty meal version). We are hoping that by sharing this community crowdfunding idea, which started in Detroit, you will feel inspired to be part of the Wolverhampton SOUP organising group!

You can book your free place here


To make SOUP a reality in Wolverhampton, we will need a diverse group of people to help make it happen. Those who can promote events on social media, find artists to showcase their work, organise the food, encouraging people to pitch their idea and many more roles. Basically, if you live or work in Wolverhampton and want to help make it an even greater place to be – please think about coming along to this session!

We will provide some light refreshments, information on what it takes to organise a SOUP, a guest speaker with direct experience and an opportunity to connect with others who have an interest in making positive change in Wolverhampton.
SOUP’s mission is to promote community-based development through crowdfunding, creativity, collaboration, democracy, trust, and fun.

What we hope Wolverhampton SOUP will bring:
• Empowered residents
• New relationships and connections created
• Promote action and change
• Foster critical dialogue
• Create pride in our City or neighbouhood

We are very please to welcome John Goodman, from Dudley SOUP, who will be our guest at the informal session, he will give some insight into the successes and learning from being involved in Dudley SOUP and answer any questions. If you recognise the name, yes it is the same John Goodman who works in Wolverhampton for Big Lottery.
There are successful SOUPs all over the country and we would like to test whether the idea will work for people here in Wolverhampton.
We hope that you are able to come along and find out more!

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